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At Kingspan, our mission is to accelerate a net-zero emissions future-built environment with people and planet at its heart. Planet Passionate is our Group-wide environmental sustainability program that sets several ambitious targets across four focus areas: carbon, energy, circularity and water. These targets help Kingspan and our partners contribute to a clean energy future, manage the earth’s resources more sustainably and protect our natural environment.
Kingspan’s recent Planet Passionate report outlines why 2023 was our most significant year of progress so far. As a result of solar PV installations at our DeLand and Modesto sites, 100% of Kingspan’s wholly owned locations now generate renewable solar power. Additionally, 2023 marked the first year Kingspan harvested rainwater at our DeLand site, where we harvested close to one megaliter of rainwater, and our North American sites combined achieved a nearly 40% reduction in waste to landfill. In 2024, we worked to build on these achievements and progress further toward Kingspan’s Planet Passionate goals, which include 11 specific targets outlined in Our Four Focus Areas below.
At Kingspan, we’re working toward supporting a more circular economy. To lower waste and encourage the upcycling of production byproducts, we recycled 858 million PET bottles globally into new processes in 2023 alone – and we’ve made great progress toward our goal of recycling one million bottles each year by 2025.
One of Kingspan’s Global Planet Passionate energy targets is to add solar PV systems to all our wholly owned facilities and achieve 60% direct renewable energy use by 2030. In 2023, 79 solar PV panel installations at Kingspan locations around the world generated 35.4 GWh of clean energy in 2023. That’s enough clean solar energy to electrify 2,900 American homes per year*.
*US EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies calculator. 14,758 metric tons of CO2 equivalent.
Access to clean water is a basic human right. For many building products leaders, water usage is minimal – yet it remains critical for sustainable development. That’s why Kingspan is working to add infrastructure to harvest 100 million liters of rainwater each year and carry out five ocean clean-up projects that help protect Earth’s most precious resource.
The construction industry is the largest consumer of raw manufacturing materials in the world. In 2023 at Kingspan facilities around the world, we diverted 92% of waste from landfills, and we’re progressing toward our global target of zero company waste to landfills by 2030.
At the core of Kingspan’s Planet Passionate Communities initiative is the ambition to create a positive legacy and a better world. In 2023, Kingspan employees and their families around the world carried out more than 80 projects that helped improve environmental well-being in the places they call home.
Earlier this year, Kingspan released its annual report outlining advancements made in 2024 toward our ambitious sustainability goals outlined in the Planet Passionate program. Download the report for an in-depth look at Kingspan’s progress toward its milestones in all four target areas.
Explore the Report*
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*For best viewing experience, view on a desktop, laptop or tablet device.
Earlier this year, Kingspan released its annual report outlining advancements made in 2022 toward our ambitious sustainability goals outlined in the Planet Passionate program. Download the report for an in-depth look at Kingspan’s progress toward its milestones in all four target areas.
DeLand, Florida is home to the North American headquarters of Kingspan Insulated Panels, and it’s also the launchpad for many of our company’s most exciting and innovative sustainability efforts.
Kingspan’s Deland facility is partnering with Belter Tech to recycle its foam panel waste.
Kingspan compared the embodied carbon of multiple building materials. Review the results.
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